Innovative therapies that help children participate fully in life.

Children interact meaningfully with their world and the people in it.

Children play, learn, and have a sense of purpose.

Children have a sense of belonging in the home, school, and community.

Welcome to Children’s Theraplay

At Children’s Theraplay, therapists partner with families, applying traditional and innovative therapeutic interventions to help children participate fully in the ordinary and extraordinary activities of daily life.

Since 1993, we’ve provided therapy services to children ages birth to 18 years and their families, using a family-centered model of care. We recognize you as the expert on your child. Through our comprehensive therapy programs and using a “whole child” approach, we form collaborative partnerships with parents and caregivers, to achieve the best outcomes for every child we have the privilege of treating.

CONTACT US if you have questions about our services, or want to schedule an appointment for your child.

a toddler is playing with colored blocks. This is a decorative image.

Melonie and Jason, parents of Andrea

Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude for what you have done for Andrea and our family. When we look at where we were when she started, the difference is just amazing. We are so much better for having you in our lives, and we can’t imagine how different our lives would be had we not found you. The therapy alone would be incredible enough; but the care, concern, commitment, and love with which you delivered the services went above and beyond anything we could have expected. We see such a amazing difference in our little girl, and we credit you with the abilities you helped her develop, enhance, and grow. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Never forget that you do make a difference, and it is just amazing. Keep on doing what you do!

Melonie and Jason

parents of Andrea

Michelle, mother of Collin

It was so nice to see you at the walk for Autism.  I think of you and your business often.  You run a wonderful clinic and we are so thankful that Collin was able to utilize your services!  He is doing so well these days.  I also wanted to thank you again for all the hard work you put in to get our private insurance to cover the services.  We have dealt with some other companies that weren’t as persistent and we are now stuck with some pretty hefty bills.  So your work certainly didn’t go unnoticed.  Thanks again for having such caring hearts and making your clients feel the true meaning of devotion, and showing such desire to help these kids succeed!


mother of Collin

Carrie and Dan, parents of Greta

I am so happy that Greta is making such noticeable progress with her feeding therapy, and you deserve so much credit.  We are so thankful that we found you.  We know Greta has a ways to go before she eats ‘normally’ but when we sit back and think about it, she has come so far!  It is easy to get frustrated when she is having a ‘bad day’ but I have to remind myself that there was a time when EVERYTHING got spit out, and she would refuse to try anything.  There are still good days and bad days, but she is really making progress, and she proved it to us yesterday.  So thank you for all of your hard work.  You have no idea how much it meant to me to watch her eat birthday cake!  Keep up the great work!

Carrie and Dan

parents of Greta

Patty, mother of Rhiana

Here are some changes I have noticed in Rhiana. She listens better to mom instead of arguing.  She talks more with people, and has more eye contact with whomever she is talking to.  She is more personable and has more expressions in her face.  She keeps track of things in her room and our house.  She never liked to pick up after herself, but now says she has to pick up before we can do something else.  We struggled all the time with this before therapy!  She can follow a 2 to 3 step direction now.  She gives hugs — she hated doing that before!  She talks for herself more instead of saying ‘mom, talk for me.’  She is excited to go to school and meet new friends, whereas she always dreaded going to school every year before.  She remembers information that is told to her, better. Thank you.


mother of Rhiana

Jeanne, mother of Jeff

We have been so surprised and happy with the results that have taken place over this year!  Jeff had a lower self-esteem because of his illegible handwriting.  He is a much happier person since going to CT.  We can actually read his handwriting without asking him what he has written.  His teachers have even seen the difference without their knowledge of his visits.  This has been a problem since he was six years old and we didn’t know where to turn for help.  My hope is that no other child will have to go through the pain and embarrassment that Jeff did before getting services.  Children’s Theraplay is a wonderful organization to work with.  Thank you!


mother of Jeff

Sarah and Andy, parents of Will

Thank you so much for all the help and support for the last couple of years. You have been such an important piece in the “puzzle” that Will can sometimes be. Our family’s life is better because of you! We appreciate all you’ve done and we highly recommend you!

Sarah and Andy

parents of Will

Ruth, mother of Ilse

Week after week I come with my daughter for her therapy sessions. We always have a positive experience. Our therapist is fabulous and has worked so well with Ilse, but I would like to tell you what I see every week. I watch the other therapists meet with parents before and after their child’s sessions, and they are always patient, listen well, and are encouraging (just like our therapist is). Kids (and parents!) come after hard school/work days or other things, and it is clear that Children’s Theraplay is a blessing in their life. Everyone there is kind, even (maybe especially) when patience is running thin. The OTs seem to have limitless energy and ideas for working through all kinds of issues. The front desk is respectful, organized, and just as great as the OTs. I just wanted to say Thank You for all the good work that is done there. I am so grateful for the services, but mostly for the people there.


mother of Ilse

Carrie, mother of Ari

We had a great 3.5 years with our therapist. She worked incredibly well with our son. He made tremendous developmental gains while having a ton of fun. We are grateful to her and everyone at Children’s Theraplay for making such a difference in his life. We highly recommend this group.


mother of Ari